I was born in Los Angeles California, the ‘City of Angels’ on May 2nd, 1962 and three hours after being born I was given up for adoption. My birth name was Rose Mary Ochoa. I was adopted by loving parents who named me Suzanne Marie Arellano. I was confirmed and chose the name Elizabeth as my confirmation name. I was married in 1987 and took the name Suzanne Ciardella. I am a part of all of these names.
I am Suzanne Mary Marie Elizabeth Ochoa Arellano Ciardella.
It is a lot! I am a lot!

I am happy, hard working, curious, funny, smart, beautiful, loyal, tenacious, intelligent, brave, spiritual, and mostly I am love. I have a passion to guide and help others in this journey we all call ‘life’. I have been called a daughter, sister, cousin, friend, aunt, girlfriend, wife, and the greatest role I have had is being a mom to two amazing adult sons that forever changed my life when they were born.
I take this life very seriously and I believe this is not a ‘dress rehearsal’.
I love relationship and connection, however I am an introvert. I love creating. I love music, writing, art, singing, language & linguistics, dancing, travel, swimming, snorkelling, photography, healthy cooking, and reading. I work hard and play hard. I also am an empath. I feel deeply. I have done the hard work to have optimal health. Body, Mind, & Spirit Health. I have excellent boundaries and I also study emotional intelligence.